Month: March 2013

Ten Days Later

Finally! It is CD 28, and ten days later than I start expecting a darker line on that stick…we got one! Woo! Now hopefully my temp stays low tomorrow and we can get another round of sexy time in, and THEN my temp will pop up, and I can relax on our spring break trip. As I write this I consider the fact that my crazy hubby, Mr.Fuzz, is hurting my chart. Dang.

Sorry started in the middle of the story there. Tuesday we leave for Tennessee, a nice spring break vacation. Mr.Fuzz is under the impression that all road trips should start as early as possible. I somewhat agree, but the plan for this 9hour drive is to begin at 4am. Logical? Hmm, still debating that, but I have agreed with the plan. Which means I will have an open circle in my chart ::pout:: I hate open circles. I hadn’t thought of it yet, because I’d thought I would be in the 2WW (two week wait). Ah well, I guess no biggie.

I love positive ovulation sticks, so cheers to that, I’m pouring a glass of Merlot in celebration. (And yes, I realize I sound like a lush, but it is the same bottle as the previous mention)

Another Day

Cycle day 19. Another negative opk. My body confuses me. The first two charts I completed, had ovulation on days 18&19. Last chart was 24, but a shorter LP (luteal phase). What am I expecting for this cycle? Who knows, but it seems no ovulation on 18 or 19. So still waiting, trying to figure this out.

What makes it more tricky/frustrating is the work schedule. I work 12hrs tomorrow. There will be no time to sneak off and take a test. Sunday I can take a late night test, but not a mid day (when leutinizing hormone (LH) should peak. Not to mention will we get any alone time? I guess just play it by ear. Sigh. Hard not to already count this cycle out. Then again. Maybe I wont O until Tuesday? Bah. This is what I mean by over analyzing. Stop it Reenie!


Hello. Decided to start this little blog to vent, update, and over-think everything TTGP related. Let me introduce the players involved: myself- Reenie, and my husband, Mr.Fuzz (clearly these are nicknames). As of today we are in the waiting to O category. Cycle Day 16 of our 5th cycle protection free.

When I ditched the birth control, I didn’t think I would be here. I knew in my head that it can take a healthy couple up to a year to get pregnant. I even mentioned to Mr.Fuzz that things took time. My heart does not understand this idea. My energy is slowly ebbing away, and I’m wondering why. I know that it is much too early for those thoughts, but they crop up anyway. Hopefully this blog will help me with the warm fuzzies instead of the nagging little voice.

So cheers to a new blog! I’ll be pouring a glass of Merlot later, feel free to join me. 😉